I am the proud result of several different school systems. I have attended and been moderately successful in Private Schools in Canada as well as Public Schools and I have also graduated from a public school in the US. For this reason I am happy to report that I can count! Yes I can count starting at zero something of no numeric value and then understand that 1 is the next singular whole number. From this point I can continue, I have been taught to keep track of my numeric values using my digits ussually on my hands some times I have to transition to my toes when the numbers get REALLY large but I do not fear or tremble when I hit double digits. The confidence that more than one school system has bestowed me helps carry me through my days tasks and occurances.
The reason why I am discussing my special talent to count to ten is to help demonstrate how simple the most complex of problems can be brought down to. Bad Voo Doo has been going all out. The platoon has been trucks passing in the night literally. I have been conducting my administrative business over the radio as our elements pass each other on seperate missions. The boys are tired but still deep in the game and focused and as always I am proud of their professionalism and ability to accomplish whatever mission jumps out infront of them. Without divulging too much intel we are constantly tasked and before we complete one we are already preparing for the next while trying to squeak guys some sleep, showers and laundry. I have a limited number of soldiers and vehicles, of course there are manning challenges like soldiers on leave and guys out for injuries, administrative issues etc but there is only so much blood that can be squeezed from a turnip.
So, in one of my few sacred moments of rest the radio comes alive in its always intrusive, piercing squawk to inform me I have yet another mission that Bad Voo Doo is going to have to accomplish. Now, I am not always grumpy in the morning, it typically is my favorite time of day but I admit to being a little short with the demanding voice on the other side of the transmission. Of course everyone is tough talking when they are being heard all around camp but get to hide in a secure office and not face the person they are engaging. I assure you, take the mic out of their hand and facilitate a face to face meeting and that radio tough guy just turned into the real weazel scared shitless that the person truly is.
"Pray tell my oh so knowledgable and combat experienced bearer of bad news where will I find these soldiers and vehicles to accomplish this mission?"
"Not MY problem, make it happen and I need the names NOW!"
I quickly looked under my pillow to see if the 9mm rounds I place there each night before I sleep bore fruit and the TROOP FAIRY paid me a visit and like her second cousin the TOOTH FAIRY took my humble offerring and replaced my bullets with steelly eyed killers. To my dismay I again had been neglected by my mystical helper. I then did the only thing that made sense, I held my hands infront of my face and started to count with my fingers then my toes to make sure that perhaps my education had failed me and my ego was writing checks my basic arithmatic couldn't cash. Again I was confused because my critical thinking didn't lead me to a solution. SO when the going gets tough the tough ask for directions right ladies.
"XRAY...VOO DOO 7........Can I get Directions to the troop and truck tree? The Troop Fairy didn't leave me any last night."
"Sorry, I was hoping to find the truck and troop bearing tree that I can pluck the soldiers from so I can accomplish this mission. Those of us that work outside the wire don't have the benefit of our little dream worlds we just deal with what we have so unless you know where that tree is, take that mission and relocate it to your ASS!"
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